
Dear Teachers, It has been a 18 year long journey of being a student and 1 year of working alongside you. In this journey with researchers, teachers and administrators I have established Ré. I have grown from within, matured and most of all, cherished every moment of my learning journey.Continue Reading

lessons on living

With the advent of technology and innovation, our speed in getting things done and going from place to place has gone up drastically. With the speed up, I feel we humans have caved in. Hiding ourselves from something that doesn’t exist and chasing someone in a race that has noContinue Reading

People grow out of childhood, they grow up and so does the world. Every year, the calendar is changed and Yayyyyyy, party time. Thats one way to look at it, but what if new years is a day to look forward by analysing the year that ended. Retrospection is aContinue Reading

A graph can make things so clear. Helps you place a point at its right place. What if there was a graph to help you grow, personally and professionally?Continue Reading

I have developed this habit of reading at least for 1 hour a day. I read 5 genres of book at a time and if at all I come across anything that alerts my “AGGGHHHHHHHHHH THATS GREAT” antenna, I write them down in a small notepad. Here is a smallContinue Reading

I recently went to the movies for M.S.Dhoni, The Untold Story. After a long week at work and a large Maharaja Mac for dinner, I sat in this theatre that was filled even after weeks after its release at 10:30 in the night. I was physically exhausted, but Cricket isContinue Reading

The day I sat in the pavement in the road and saw something that I missed. Two huge bags packed…check, coolers… check, book to read…check and watch…check. The trip was set and about to begin. A 3 day stay in Bangalore, where I would be working hand in hand withContinue Reading