Dear Teachers,
It has been a 18 year long journey of being a student and 1 year of working alongside you. In this journey with researchers, teachers and administrators I have established Ré. I have grown from within, matured and most of all, cherished every moment of my learning journey.
My letter to you is heartfelt and I hope this learning I have had so far, might be of relevance to your learning journey as well.
You brought me into this wonderful world through stories and songs. Not only did that make it fun, but also it made me think, create and produce a lot more. Like how you brought me in, I will take you back through a story.
King Janak was at his full glory and he was doing his job as a dutiful king to his citizens and a loved one to his family to the best of his ability. There was wealth, prosperity and happiness all throughout his kingdom. He ruled with a zeal and a strength that got his entire kingdom to worship and accept him. Everything was going great, when one fine day, a minister came running to him, telling “O! King Janak, the enemy forces are at our doorstep. We have two options now. We fight or we surrender O King! Please command us”. King Janak was a man, who never went down and he commanded “Prepare for Battle !” The battle was filled with rage and both troops fought. Unfortunately king Janak lost everything, he gave way and the troops fell. His family was murdered and he was sent out of this Kingdom. Running was all that he could remember of and as he was threading through the jungle he fell, “ARRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” King Janak woke up from his dream with a deep and loud shout.
He could not believe his senses for the dream was so true and he could feel every emotion in that dream. He looked around and everything was normal as well. Hearing his shout, his wife came running to him and asked, “What Happened, my husband, are you alright?” King Janak only said, “Is that the truth or is this the truth?” Ever since that dream, the king only kept repeating this every time someone spoke to him. No one could answer or even understand what their King was telling.
A wise sage heard that King Janak kept repeating “Is that the truth or is this the truth” for the past week. After deciding to call on him, the sage walked to the court room. As soon as the King saw the sage he said, “Is that the truth or is this the truth?”
The sage understood him and said “Neither that is the truth, nor this is the truth, but you are, the truth”
You, it is YOU, who is the truth. Remember that every person around you is fighting in his or her own battle but, the war for everyone is the same. Everyone is in a different race, different kind of vehicle but the finish line is same for all. My friends and I always wondered why you treat some of us differently and most of us similarly. Sometimes, equal treatment has its payoffs but it is, constant motivation and support we expect, we do not expect you to hold our hands every time or tie us down when we make mistakes. Please realise that some of us needs wings and some of us needs fins. Make us fail, but also make us understand that it is okay to fail and not okay to stay down. Teach us also how not to give up when the going gets tough.
And the finish line of the race we are in is death, both literally and figuratively. It is time you as a teacher start shedding ego, selfishness and greed. That is when you, the truth from your heart, can shine in all of your glory. Without you, we will be struggling even more.
Please realise that there is no point in removing your ornaments and going on a search for gold. The reason why I said this is because, I have realised that one has absolutely no power in deciding what one must do or one must think. You also have no control of the past and of the future. You have no control of us, your children, you have no control of your family, you have no control of your friends. Don’t lose heart, you have absolute control of the present, full on manual control of the NOW. When you can do that, then you can influence, in the littlest of ways, the entire universe.
Teacher, we look upto you in every way. Most of our time we spend growing up, is with you. You are our parents and our role models. We see how you dress, how you respond to situations, how you carry yourself around others, how much dedication you put in and how much cheerfulness you bring in your work environment. Little that you know, some of my friends aspire to be like you!
What is in front of you is a weapon of mass creation; A book, a board and a class full of students. Have you ever realised that you, as an individual, hold such power? Please do not sleep with your eyes open. The future of our world depends on what you teach us and I can imagine how wonderful the world will be when I grow up. Every soul in your class, is a change maker and he or she could in future, be responsible for your grandchild’s life. Understand this and the realisation is far scarier that you can imagine.
Not merely by absconding from work can one attain freedom from reaction, nor by complete renunciation can one attain perfection – Bagavad Gita.
You taught us how to read and write. You taught us good and bad. What are you doing when the world is talking about hatred, war, rape, refugee crisis, theft, murder and corruption?
You taught the world to us, how to read and write and now, when the world is talking about hatred, war, rape, refugee crisis, theft, murder and corruption, what are you doing? How are you contributing in the building of the weapon of mass creation? This is a difficult pursuit and I urge you not to have doubt on yourself. Because there are only two things you can do with what ever is in your control: You can choose love or you can choose hate. Choose love, the destination is paradise. It is a journey where absolute growth is guaranteed.
You are the one who can lead our leaders. The parents for the weapon of mass creation. With that being said, please realise that there are 7 billion+ people depending on you. You get to choose what you want to do with what you have.
I hope that this abundant universe gives you want you want. Control the present – choose love!
With Love,
Your Student.
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  1. Beautiful Arun n thank u. Continue writing, u r improving in leaps and I’m seeing the beginnings of a great teacher, a motivational speaker n a writer in u. U r showing great maturity n clarity in ur writing. All d best. God bless!

    1. Author

      Thank You Ma’am. I will continue to improve

  2. May be it is for everyone and teachers were mentioned in the TO section. Your writing has always made me think, but this time, it made me rethink..! But, I learnt conveying something can be this twisted too..!

    1. Author

      That is the power of us, what makes us human; the ability to look between the lines and give a new meaning to the words

  3. This writing made me to realise that how powerful the teachers are and what they can do with a black board and a chalk. I’m going to share this to my mother and teachers I know from my childhood

    Thank u bro

    1. Author

      Thank you, Hudson. Sometimes it is great when people just start to realise.

  4. Beautiful writeup Arun! Feels great to read your blogs! Ever your fan! _/\_

  5. Beautiful narration…. Making of responsible human being….
    Made me to think my mentors…. No doubt, as you said, I’m a replica of my ninth standard teacher….

    1. Author

      Well so am I. I have just morphed myself with a lot more though

  6. Hi, could see clarity in your writing/expression. Pl keep it up!!

  7. Beautifully articulated, Arun!

    1. Author

      Thank you, ma’am. Just taking following your instructions. Nothing more.

  8. “You also have
    no control of the past and of
    the future. You have no
    control of us, your children,
    you have no control of your
    family, you have no control of
    your friends. Don’t lose heart,
    you have absolute control of
    the present, full on manual
    control of the NOW. When you
    can do that, then you can
    influence, in the littlest of
    ways, the entire universe.”

    “there are
    only two things you can do
    with what ever is in your
    control: You can choose love
    or you can choose hate.
    Choose love, the destination is
    paradise. “.
    – These are Fantastic lines Mr.Arunkumar ..Nice narration

    1. Author

      Thanks Sankar. Glad it hit the right tone

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