A brief account of a self-experiment on creativity and innovation
A spark is a little thing, yet it may kindle the world. Martin Farquhar Tupper.Continue Reading
A spark is a little thing, yet it may kindle the world. Martin Farquhar Tupper.Continue Reading
A quick and easy guide to support you in the process of building your LinkedIn portfolioContinue Reading
My honeymoon days of using a checklist last usually for 3-6 weeks.So just as productive they can be, checklists are also counter-productive.Continue Reading
From my experience, a group that keeps the differences intact performs way better than groups that strive for achieving cohesiveness in thinking. Continue Reading
Once upon a time, it was effortless to fire away dreams with three simple words: “I wanna be…”. Is it simple to stay on course?Continue Reading
“Opportunities seldom knock on the door”. Have you come across this quote? On the other hand, I guess the opportunities of the current world knock often.Continue Reading
Often at times what we plan may not work. In spite of carefully setting the direction with the golden circle, the implementation part might just not work. We need the howContinue Reading
It was a YES that got you reading this newsletter. Likewise, there is a “YES” to every decision you take. But why do we say a lot of YESes?Continue Reading
How often do you set yourself on mind-crunching challenges in choking time limits? A hack is a perfect way to see how much you can extend your abilities. Continue Reading
Self-doubt can be the biggest pit you can dig for yourself, and questioning yourself is closing the pit with you in it!Own and face your failures to succeedContinue Reading