Don’t stand still amidst the AI wave. Make better use of the tech you already have.
AI will lead to tremendous societal changes. But whilst it comes to that level, there are such little hacks we can do that will give massive changesContinue Reading
AI will lead to tremendous societal changes. But whilst it comes to that level, there are such little hacks we can do that will give massive changesContinue Reading
One of the most incredible experiences a person can get from working in an organisation is to learn from others. I believe so because learning is amplified due to the multiplier effect we get; the more people and more topics to speak about, the more^2 knowledge you tap into.Continue Reading
I took a short hiatus from writing in this blog because I was fully occupied most mornings and several weekends in the last 18 months to write my grandparents’ life story. Their story is a recount of my grandparents’ journey, and in all these years they were together, they gave us nothing short of the best.Continue Reading
Whenever I meet the “expert”, a recurring chain of thought I get in hindsight is, “If only I had that person’s personality, I would be better in my skill”. Continue Reading
After attending the first lecture on September 17th, I was already on the lookout for when the Christmas break would begin. I remember giving out a big sigh when I thought about the 12 looming weeks ahead of me. [something happened and then next thing I know] Christmas break began.Continue Reading
Did I become too comfortable with a battle I have been fighting? Did I start liking the fight to the extent that now it’s over I don’t know what to do? Continue Reading
How often do you set yourself on mind-crunching challenges in choking time limits? A hack is a perfect way to see how much you can extend your abilities. Continue Reading
Self-doubt can be the biggest pit you can dig for yourself, and questioning yourself is closing the pit with you in it!Own and face your failures to succeedContinue Reading
Who said Santa comes only for Christmas? I open the envelope that I have in hands and find tickets to Wimbledon. An experience I will never forget!Continue Reading