Is there a measure for financial freedom?

Could the world’s strongest animal be one of the smallest?

Migraine, not a mild headacheContinue Reading

How hot can the hottest place on Earth get?

Mosquitoes in Mosquito City and

How does a car actually turn?Continue Reading

– What is a fuel that helps spread fake news?

– Why and how – Belly button lint

– Do we have a new zodiac sign?Continue Reading

– What have I missed about Lebanon?
– Like books, can journals also be judged?
– What else do animals use if they have poor sight?Continue Reading

Why is lockdown affecting sleep patterns?

Do you burn more calories when you exercise in a hotter climate?

How far do the roots of Voodoo go?Continue Reading

This week’s Curiosity Box has  Can you juxtapose Pulitzer Prize winners with other books? What is the story behind a fairy tale? How and why do space agencies track Asteroids and Comets? 1. Pulitzer prize winners vs the rest: Last week, a simple analysis revealed that a book that hasContinue Reading

Does the number of pages matter and motivate one to read more books?

Of all the things pandas could have chosen, they chose…

How expensive is it to change the name of a city?Continue Reading

– What happens under the hood when you click a link?

– A simple hack to get rid of the fishy smell

– What will I have to do to restart my Pokémon journeyContinue Reading

How do big foods infiltrate our lives? You can’t beat a tortoise in a race 1. Big Foods infiltrate and make you go umami My mini research has shown two strategies that big food corporations use to make sure their products infiltrate our lives. The first is to make sureContinue Reading